The corruption is considered unacceptable in society, whether it is the smallest social unit like a family or the organization to the national level. PPS pays attention and focuses on creating the revised No. 1/2018 written Anti-Corruption Policy in order for everyone in the organization, whether executive level, company’s directors or even employees for strictly implemented and maintained a good company’s culture. By conveying the policy through work is “Transparent operation, Pay attention to good governance, Defense corruption” which all of these elements will enable PPS to conduct business and develop the organization to sustainability.
Non-corruption, passed from generation to generation
Reliability and confidence in integrity are at the heart of PPS’s commitment to creating a good image and instilling in the minds of employees so that PPS is truly a non-corruption organization. We therefore communicate to employees to realize and understand the anti-corruption policy correctly since the beginning of work through training in the professional ethics and morality course for employees to understand their duties. Also, it is a transfer of company’s culture and consciousness of being a good engineer in the PPS form for future generations. In addition, there is a process of investigate corruption through the company’s complaint channels in order for employees or persons who witnessed corruption to report clues or information safely.
In order to announce the intention of anti- corruption, PPS participated in Thailand’s Private Section Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption (CAC) in 2014 and was certified as the Certified Company by the committee of Thailand’s Private Section Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption (C