(Human right& Fair Employment)

Mechanism for receiving information on comments and complaints on human rights violations.
Inbox Facebook Fanpage : PPS Group
Tel : 02 718 2785
Website : https://pps.co.th/whistleblower
Email : [email protected] หรือ [email protected]
Submit documents through the feedback box around the construction project.
Based on past and current operations, PPS has never encountered any complaints regarding the lack of respect or violation of human rights. There have been no cases of illegal or unfair employment practices, and there have been no employee grievances arising from discriminatory treatment.

Based on the assessment of human rights risks conducted by the Company, including business partners, it has been found that the level of human rights risk in the areas where the company operates ranges from low to moderate. The company has developed management and control guidelines to mitigate human rights risks, focusing on the following key areas.
Assessment of Human Rights Risks for Business Partners
The company conducts Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) self-assessments of its clients to evaluate risks related to human rights and ESG issues as part of the preliminary selection process for business partners. Additionally, the company evaluates risks associated with ESG and human rights issues in its operational performance assessment, such as employment practices, compliance with relevant laws, safety management, and environmental impact control. In 2022, it was found that the company’s business partners had low to moderate risks in these areas, and there have been no legal cases or complaints in the company’s projects involving its business partners. However, the company has established standards for selecting business partners that cover ESG issues and continuously monitors their performance. It maintains a register of business partners and evaluates their performance on an annual basis. If a business partner is assessed by the preliminary working group as having high risks in ESG or human rights issues or receives a low performance evaluation, the company will assign an Internal Quality Auditor (IQA) to conduct further investigations and assessments. Recommendations for improvement will be provided, and performance will be continuously monitored for effective management.
Conflict Resolution and Remediation Process
PPS has measures in place to protect and remediate individuals who may be impacted by the company’s operations, in accordance with community rights principles. Opportunities are provided for individuals who may be affected to file complaints through various channels established by the company. The company has defined the forms of remediation, including monetary compensation or non-monetary support, and not limited to monetary compensation, by proposing appropriate solutions or mitigations to the affected individuals or those who have suffered impacts. This is done to address the issues that arise and to ensure satisfaction among all stakeholders.
Fact-Finding Process
- The recipient of the complaint or assigned personnel will investigate and collect facts or may assign individuals or units trusted to be the fact-finding personnel.
- The recipient of the complaint or assigned personnel may invite any employee to provide information or request the submission of relevant documents for fact-finding.
Post-Fact-Finding Process
If the investigation reveals the truth of the complaint, the company will take the following actions:
- In cases where the complaint involves a violation of laws, company regulations, ethics, or provisions related to the company’s business operations, or involves misconduct related to the company’s business operations that is significant, such as impacting the company’s reputation, image, or financial status, the recipient of the complaint will present the matter along with their opinion and provide appropriate guidelines for the authorized person(s) of the company to take appropriate actions. In significant cases, such as those that impact the company’s reputation or conflict with the company’s business policies or involve top management, the matter will be considered by the Ethics and Social Responsibility Committee, the Audit Committee, or the Board of Directors, depending on the case.
- In cases where the complaint causes harm to any individual, the recipient of the complaint will propose appropriate and fair measures to mitigate or compensate for the damages to the affected individual(s).